Parking pass holders will be required to renew their pass once a year, 30 days prior to their expiration date. A parking pass renewal link will be sent out to pass holder 30 days prior to their expiration date, allowing parking pass holders 30 days to renew before their pass expires.
To view when your account is expired, please login to your account, by clicking this link here (https://app.parklync.com/login).
If you have forgotten your password, please click the 'Forgot Password?' option to reset your password. (show picture)
Simply click the email link that is sent to your email on your account to open the renewal link page. From there you will fill out the required fields and attach the required & updated documentation (see picture below).
Once you have submitted your electronic renewal form for your parking pass, please allow up to 72 hours minimum for renewal activation of your parking account. You will receive an activation email notification.
FAQ Renewals
What happens if I do not renew my parking pass by my deadline?
A: if a parking account is not renewed by the renewal deadline, the vehicles on that account will expire.
Can I still renew my account if I missed my deadline?
A: Yes. Customers can still renew their parking account at any point after their renewal deadline has passed. Customers will be subject to paying the daily rate while parked on any Satellite Beach lot until their pass is renewed.
If my pass expires, do I have to pay the daily rate now?
A: Yes, expired parking accounts must either renew or pay the daily parking rates while parked on any of the 10 Satellite Beach locations until they receive an activation email.
What do I need to renew my account?
A: All you need is the renewal link email that was sent to your email address on file and required documentation. (https://www.parksatellitebeach.org/annual-passes)
How long does it take to renew my parking pass account?
A: it takes less than one (1) minute on average to fill out your parking pass renewal link. Simply fill out the required fields and attach the proper documentation. Please allow a minimum of 72 hours for processing of your renewal pass and follow-up activation email.